As autumn semester approaches, we understand that many people will be undergoing a change in how they work – whether it be from being at home since March...
The main reason for a slower migration from BuckeyeBox to One Drive is file volume . If you can delete files prior to migration, be sure to do those. End collaborations you no longer need. And remember, you can still download files from BuckeyeBox while your migration is ongoing and save any changes to OneDrive or to your computer.
State authorization emerged on the horizon of higher education in 2010, when the U.S. Department of Education released its original state authorization language for comment during a required negotiated rulemaking process.
BuckeyeBox retirement is coming! You can get ready by taking courses in Microsoft 365 applications. Our goal is to move all academic units and students before the beginning of Fall Semester and all users by the end of 2021.
The webinars listed below are part of series that we will be...
The next round of software updates are now available to install for OCIO-managed workstations via Software Center (for Windows PC) or Ohio State Application Self Service (...
As a part of the effort to retire the eReports system, pre-run copies of a select number of financials-based reports have been archived in the Enterprise Document Management (EDM) system (OnBase). Copies of the reports for fiscal years FY15 through FY20 (listed in the full article) have been loaded into EDM and are now available for view or download. For information on how to access and view these files, please review the Retrieving Historical Reports from OnBase (EDM) job aid found in the Administrative Resource Center (ARC). Addendum: As of July 29, archived historical files for FY21 period 1 (July) through period 6 (December) are now also available for view or download by Ohio State financial analysts.
Off the top of your head…can you remember how many online accounts you’re signed up for? What about how many accounts you’ve signed up for just in the last year? Even when simply ordering some take-out from the restaurant down the street, it can seem like the restaurant will require you to have an online account!
You may already know that we are retiring BuckeyeBox by the end of 2021 and transitioning to Microsoft Teams and OneDrive for Business. Since fewer students are on campus during the summer, we will be moving student beginning in June.