Adaptive Planning – Project Intake and Capital Planning Enhancements

To clarify the usage of the two project request sheets within the Project Intake and Capital Planning instance of Adaptive Planning, the Office of Technology and Digital Innovation (OTDI) will be completing the system enhancements described in this post, effective Thursday, February 15.

  1. Renaming of sheets, description of each is included below.
  2. Capital Project Requests renamed Annual Capital Plan Projects:
    • Submissions include projects greater than $250,000 that will be included in the upcoming fiscal year’s Annual Capital Investment Plan (CIP). The CIP is a 5-year view of planned spending on prior and new capital projects that includes funding sources, project types, and addressed deferred maintenance.
    • ​​​​​​​Non Capital Project Requests renamed All Other Projects:
      • Submissions include all project requests that fall outside of the annual capital planning process. These submissions may include non-capital projects, capital projects that do not meet the threshold to be part of the Annual Capital Investment Plan but need to be capitalized in Workday, and capital projects that are part of the Annual Capital Investment Plan but are requested after the capital planning cycle is closed.
  3. Column updates on the "All Other Projects" sheet (these updates impact all project requests):
    • "Capital ?" column:
      • This column is used to determine the capital status in Workday. Previously, it defaulted to "No" when a new project request was created. After the updates are in place, this column will no longer default and you will be required to select a "Yes" or "No" value before you can save the sheet.
      • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​It is critical this value is accurate in Adaptive Planning, as it determines the accounting of the project worktag in Workday. When deciding whether to select "Yes" or "No" in this column, please review the guidance on the Business and Finance’s website, under the Project Capitalization section. (
    • "Unit Approval Status" column:
    • You will now be required to select a value in this column before you can save the sheet. All project requests with a blank value in this column on February 15 will be updated to "Pending."


If you have any questions regarding the outlined system enhancements, please contact Adaptive Planning support through 614-688-4357 (HELP). For guidance on B&F project capitalization contact Christopher Kropp (kropp.21).