What You Need to Know About Spring 2020 Final Grades

As a result of the university’s response to COVID-19, many students have the opportunity to request a pass/no-pass final grade instead of a traditional letter grade for this semester’s courses. In addition, key dates in the semester have shifted, which may impact any “Incomplete” grades in your course. Find out what action you may need to take to accommodate these changes:
Pass/No-Pass Grading Option
In CarmenCanvas, you will not know which students have opted for the pass/no-pass grading option, so you will still assign all students a letter grade (A-E). You will transfer final grades to the Faculty Center as you normally would.
After you initiate the transfer from Carmen, grades for students who requested the pass/no-pass option will be automatically updated as follows:
- A through C+ will be updated to PA
- E and EN will be updated to NP
- C, C-, D+ and D will be set to blank, for you to fill in according to your college’s grading scale
When you visit the Faculty Center, the Grade Basis column will let you know which students requested the pass/no-pass option. Please verify that these students have a PA or NP listed for their grade. If the field is blank, you will need to input a PA or NP for that student.
If you have given a student an "Incomplete" for their final grade, you may need to change the default length of time your Carmen course is active. This will allow time for the student to submit missing assignments and for you to grade those assignments.
By default, the term end date for Spring 2020 is set to July 20, 2020. While this date should still accommodate incomplete submissions from students, we recommend that you manually change the term end date to give yourself an additional week or two for grading. Within your course, navigate to the Settings menu and select Course Details. Then select the calendar icon that accompanies the Ends: field and select a new date and time. Next, you must check Users can only participate in the course between these dates in order to override the default end date. Finally, click Update Course Details to save your new course end date.
Learn more about updating course term dates in the ODEE Resource Center.