Changes to Buckeye Buy are Live
Changes to Buckeye Buy are now live! The job aids associated with ordering goods and services are now updated in the Supply Chain section of the Administrative Resource Center (ARC). For a list of updated job aids, view the list in a previous NewsLink article.
Now that we are live with the new ordering process, here are a few reminders:
1. You no longer go to Connect to Supplier Website and then Buckeye Buy to place orders. Use the new Search Catalog link instead.
2. Use Connect to Supplier Website to access punchout (formerly known as Roundtrip) suppliers (e.g., Staples, Fisher, etc.).
3. You can see items that are in inventory and their approximate quantities on hand.
4. The Requisitions app is the preferred method for placing requisitions.
5. When placing an order, if you are unsure of the spend category to use, you may use SC99999 as a placeholder to submit the order. Service Center employees and Health System buyers will continue to verify that the correct spend categories are applied to non-catalog requisitions as a part of requisition processing.
Are you curious to view a demo of the new process? View the following recordings:
Want to see a comparison of the former requisition process with the new requisition process? View the Workday Requisition Crosswalk.
You may also view a demonstration of how to Update Default Deliver To Location. The deliver-to address is also known as your work space. For more information on updating your work space, view the Getting Ready for Upcoming Buckeye Buy Changes article previously published in NewsLink.
Did you have lists saved in Buckeye Buy (GHX) for items that you commonly purchase? View prior requisitions to locate the items, including the part numbers, to find and add the items from the Workday catalog to a requisition template. The part numbers remain the same. The “List” equivalent in Workday is a requisition template. To learn more about setting up a requisition template, view the “Add from Templates and Requisitions” section of the Create a Requisition to Procure Goods and Services job aid. Note: Do NOT copy requisitions for purchases created prior to May 8, 2023. Copying requisitions created prior to the new process on May 8 may cause the requisitions to route for additional approval; whereas adding the item using a template or searching for the item directly in the catalog would not.
Still have questions about your purchase?
If you are a university employee, contact your Procurement Service Center. If unsure of your service center, contact your fiscal officer.
If you are a health systems employee, contact
If you are an OSUP employee, contact