Recent and Upcoming Reporting Enhancements as of Sept. 23

Sources and Uses – Variance Analysis Changes

Based on user feedback, the "Sources and Uses – Variance Analysis" report was updated during the week of October 7 to provide a streamlined solution for viewing Actuals and Encumbrance columns side by side. Encumbrance and Pre-Encumbrance columns have been added alongside the existing Actuals and Plan columns. This will allow users to compare actuals and outstanding encumbrances to plan estimates in a seamless way. Additionally, new dynamic column headings were added to the report to provide greater clarity to the selections made at report runtime that drive the values in the Plan and Forecast columns.

  1. “Plan” and “Forecast” column headings will now update dynamically based on the Budget Plan Name and Forecast Plan Name selected at report runtime.
  2. Encumbrances and Pre-Encumbrances will no longer be shown at the bottom of the report but have been added as two columns to be shown in line with actuals.
    • This will allow users to view encumbrances by ledger account in line with their actuals and perform more detailed evaluations.
  3. To accommodate the relocation of Encumbrances and allow greater analysis three additional new columns will be added.
    • Total with Encumbrances: This column will add Actuals and Encumbrances horizontally across the report.
    • Variance with Encumbrances $: This column will show the variance between your Plan, and total actuals plus encumbrances in dollars.
    • Variance with Encumbrances %: This column will show the variance between your Plan, and total actuals plus encumbrances as a percentage.
  4. Ending Equity After Pre-Encumbrance and Encumbrance will no longer be displayed on the left bottom of the report but will now be located at the bottom of the new “Total with Encumbrances” column were it intersects with the “Ending Equity” row.