Beginning Monday, March 31 , the report group called "Business Processes Awaiting Action" will no longer display journals awaiting action. Journals are being removed from this report group as they've been added to an alternate report group called "Financial Transactions Awaiting Action." This has been done to group similar transaction types together and will alleviate the need to have the Company Financial Analyst role in order to run the Business Processes Awaiting Action report group.
Report Enhancement: Find Journal Lines – OSU - Posted Journals by Amount Type
The "Find Journal Lines – OSU - Posted Journals by Amount Type" report has been enhanced with an additional field for "Object Class" in the output of the report.
Grant - FDM Values Report Enhancements
The output of the report "Grant - FDM Values" has been enhanced to include four additional columns. Those columns include the Award Line From Date, Award Line To Date, Prime Sponsor Type, and Sponsor Type.
Supplier Contracts Prompt Added to Procurement Reporting
A "Supplier Contracts" prompt has been added to three reports to enable users to search by supplier contracts. The reports include "Find Supplier Invoice Summary - OSU," "Find Supplier Invoice Detail - OSU," and "Find Purchase Order Summary - OSU."
Find "Requisition Summary - OSU" Prompt Update
An update to the prompt "Supplier" on the "Find Requisition Summary - OSU" report is scheduled to take place at end of day on Friday, February 14. See the full post for more details.
The field "Reference ID" has been added to the output of the "Find Miscellaneous Payment Request Summary - OSU" report. This change aids those needing the field to perform mass actions on miscellaneous payment requests.
The field "Inventory Stock Request Line" has been added to the output of the "Find Requisition Details - OSU" report. This change allows end users to identify the specific inventory stock request number to which the requisition was sourced.
New prompts have been added to the "Find Suppliers - OSU" report. Users can now prompt on the "Last Updated On or After" and "Last Updated On or Before" dates. The "Last Updated Date" has also been added as a column on the output of the report.
The "Financial Balances Summarization with flexible selectable columns" Tableau report has been enhanced with an additional tab for "Flexible columns Financial Balances Summary Yearly Trending."
In the new tab, users can view the actuals data by fiscal year. Users can now select columns and filters based on their needs and compare multiple years of financial data. The "Period" field is used to drive what month(s) populate the actuals results by fiscal year. A selection of a January period would compare yearly trends from the start of the fiscal year through January across fiscal years selected.
The "Find Supplier Requests" report in Workday will be enhanced with an additional column on the report called “Supplier Request." This drill down field allows those who have access to this data to see and take additional actions.
The “Sources and Uses by Cost Center” report will be enhanced to include the ability to expand by fund group, with new columns for Beginning Balance, Ending Balance, Encumbrance, and Ending Balance after Encumbrance. These changes will be moved to production on Monday, November 18 , and the enhanced report will replace the “Equity Balances by Cost Center and Fund Group” report, which will be retired on Monday, December 2 .
The "Forecast Plan Name" default prompt value has been updated to reflect the FY25 Autumn Forecast being loaded on the reports listed in the full post.