Learn to Protect Yourself Online

February is Data Privacy Month! The cybersecurity industry reminds you annually to do a privacy check by observing Data Privacy Month from January 28 to February 28. Data Privacy Month is an international effort to raise awareness and educate about the privacy of personal data and information in a digitally dependent world.
The Office of the Chief Information Officer had an opportunity to work with ASCTech to create a few videos starring your classmates. Look for them throughout February to learn how students, staff, and faculty stay safe online. The videos not only star but were also cowritten by Ohio State University students. They also features special guest star, Chief Information Security Officer Helen Patton.
Check out these videos to learn how if you operate with the best intentions, you could be making yourself less safe online. Check back for more information each week.
- Phishing: February 1
- Man-In-the-Middle Attacks: February 8
- Oversharing: February 15
- Never Share Your Passwords: February 28
We extend a big thank you to students from Fishbowl Improvisational Comedy Group --Christine Sharrer, Samuel J. Bloch, Ian Gray, and Jackson Donaldson--as well as ASCTech's Doug Dangler and Jake Weiss.