Ohio State Contributes to National State Authorization Network Resources

Over the last year, Ohio State’s state authorization team has played an important role in the State Authorization Network (SAN) effort to share experiences and knowledge related to professional licensure research and disclosure processes.
U.S. Department of Education and NC-SARA professional licensure disclosure requirements continue to evolve, and complying with these changing rules is a complex task.
In response, the State Authorization Network (SAN) assembled a Special Interest Team in 2018 made up of representatives from 10 institutions with the collective goal of completing research and sharing lessons learned with more than 700 SAN member institutions.
Ohio State contributed to a recent pair of blog posts outlining best practices for communicating about professional licensure research and disclosure requirements and developing related compliance processes. The posts focused on the integration of compliance processes with an institution’s mission and student success strategies. Compliance with disclosure requirements protects students from investing in a program that ultimately will not meet their licensure or career goals. Institutional compliance ultimately supports an institution’s student-focused mission.
In addition, the Special Interest Team researched common SAN member questions related to professional licensure compacts. National licensure compacts and agreements add to the complexity of professional licensure research and can lead to confusion about the interstate mobility of licensed professionals. Ohio State’s state authorization team helped complete in-depth research on the Nurse Licensure Compact and the NASDTEC agreement for educator licensure and dispel some common misunderstandings related to licensure compacts and disclosures.
Over the next year, the Ohio State plans to contribute to new SAN Special Interest Team projects that focus on compliance with new U.S. Department of Education regulations.
Have questions about state authorization? Contact the Ohio State state authorization team.