Coming Soon: 1099 Income Reporting Update for Payees

In preparation for the combined federal and state filing changes, the Payee Setup Form along with the Miscellaneous Payee and Miscellaneous Payment Request tasks will be updated to include additional address prompts for 1099 income reporting when the state in which work is performed differs from the state associated with the payee’s primary address. The changes listed below will occur on January 17.

  • Payee Setup Form: All new suppliers and Miscellaneous Payees must have a completed Payee Setup Form. When applicable, include the additional income reporting address. Direct any related questions to:
  • Miscellaneous Payee and Miscellaneous Payment Request: When applicable, include the additional income reporting address to an existing or new Miscellaneous Payee. In addition, the Miscellaneous Payment Request must reference the alternate income reporting state. Refer to the related job aid for guidance. It will be updated closer to the go-live. Direct any related questions to
  • The Miscellaneous Payment BuckeyeLearn training will also be updated prior to the January 17 go-live.