As part of a standardization project, the business teams have been reviewing notifications for the Requisition and Purchase Order Business Processes to help create consistency across each process. These enhancements will be completed on Monday, October 9 . The change described below will be made to help improve the end user experience.
The “Requested on behalf of” will be notified if someone else (the initiator) starts a requisition on behalf of them. The requisition requester (and Requested on behalf of if applicable) will be notified if the amount of the requisition is changed by someone downstream. The requisition requester (and Requested on behalf of if applicable) will be notified if anyone other than the requester of a requisition cancels or denies the requisition. For Requisitions, only PCard, Inventory Replenishment and Change Order Requisitions the system will notify the requester (and Requested on behalf of if applicable) at completion of the business process. For everything else notification will go out at the issuance of a Purchase Order. Prior approvers will all now be notified if a subsequent approver denies the requisition.
See the full post for a reminder about how Workday notifies initiators, reviewers and approvers as a Workday transaction moves through a business process.
B&H Photo will be closed in observance of Yom Kippur on Monday, September 25 and also for Sukkot on Friday, September 29 through Sunday, October 8.
Purchase orders issued during the closures will still be accepted but product will not ship until B&H reopens. Please contact the Marketplace Team at with questions.
New tips and tricks information on the Requisitions process has been added to the Business and Finance website . This provides users with an overview of the business process and a crosswalk to additional resources.
Our warehouses have thousands of items including beverages, breakroom supplies, buffers, chemicals, copy paper, gas cylinders, gloves, lab supplies, nitrile, office products and OSU branded items.
Read the full post for instructions on performing a quick and effective search of Ohio State Stores products available to order through Workday.
New Inbox Filters for Workday were created mid-June for use on requisitions, match exceptions, supplier invoice requests, supplier invoices, spend authorizations, expense reports, and miscellaneous payment requests. The filters are specifically for tasks within the CCH8 cost center hierarchy. Additional explanation about the filter naming conventions along with a link to a “Create, Edit, and Apply an Inbox Filter” job aid can be found in the full NewsLink post.
OSU Surplus now offers a catalog in Buckeye Buy for small, medium, and large internal transfer deliveries to Columbus campus locations. A special request line is also available in the catalog. Contact OSU Surplus at with questions.
Create “My Lists” (Favorites) in Buckeye Buy - This functionality has been retired with the new Workday ordering process. Supplier- Round-trip set-up & Maintenance - Procurement Professional - This functionality has been retired with the new Workday ordering process. Create a Requisition Using the Requisitions Application - This information has been combined into the Create a Requisition to Procure Goods and Services job aid.
Workday will be unavailable due to planned quarterly maintenance on Saturday, May 20, from 2 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Kronos and external dormakaba time clocks will be available, but employees using Workday to clock in and out should enter their hours once Workday is available again.
Health System Supply Chain users should note important information contained in the full NewsLink post.