The "Supplier Invoice Overdue Approvals – P2P" report has been decommissioned. Going forward, users should run the report "Supplier Invoice Overdue Approvals" which has been enhanced with the change highlights detailed in the full NewsLink article.
The next Finance Office Hours session will be held from 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. on Tuesday, November 16 . Use MS Teams to join (link is external) . Currently planned topics include: General Updates (including mileage, unassigned requisition requestor step), Costing Allocations, Non-OSP Grant Overview, Delegation History - OSU Tableau report demo, and Historical Reports/EDM.
The "Find Awards - OSU" report has been enhanced with the addition of three fields: Award Co-PIs, Award Cost Center, and Award Balancing Unit. Additionally, the report prompts set now allows users to filter the report by Award Contract Owner and Cost Center.
"Encumbrance" and "Beginning Balance" issues in the "Faculty Financials" section of the Principal Investigator dashboard have been fixed. Additional worktags were added to that report including Cost Center, Fund, Grant, and Assignee. At the same time, the "Other Funding Report" has been added to a new tab on the Grants Administration dashboard to mimic the "Faculty Financials" tab on the Principal Investigator dashboard.
Update to original post: The fund is now active, and a job aid is available in the Administrative Resource Center (ARC).
To aid departments with heavy research and student populations, a new FD101 Default Clearing Fund has been established to track payroll expenses that have unallocated costing. The fund and work associated will be migrated to Workday production during the week of October 25th and will be available for use beginning Monday, November 1, 2021. Additional information and a brief demo will be presented in the October 19 Finance Office Hours .
Delegation is the ability in Workday for approvers to assign their transactions to other individuals for a short period of time (e.g. out of office). Transactions must only be delegated to those individuals with the appropriate level of signature authority. The Senior Fiscal Officer will be required to monitor delegations on a monthly basis through review of a “Delegation History-OSU” Tableau report. A Delegations job aid is available that explains the delegation process and the business processes where delegation is functional. ( )
A journal was created to clean up outstanding equity balances for Federal Workstudy students on GR100794 in department Cost Centers. At year-end, it was noticed that after running equity balances, there was negative equity appearing on this grant. The journal has provided revenue to these combinations to clear the department equity balances. Moving forward, at month end, 75% of eligible workstudy earnings will be moved to the worktags listed so this issue will stop.
CC12981 - General University | Student Financial Aid Fund: FD521 - FD521 Grants and Contracts Non Sponsored Federal Fund Grant: GR100794 - GR100794 OE Federal Work Study Program Balancing Unit: BL1377 - General University | Student Financial Aid
On August 23, the Office of the Controller and Enterprise Business Solutions (EBS) teams reported the issue that purchase orders in previous fiscal years may not have rolled forward into fiscal year 2022. The roll forward task has been re-run and a significant number of purchase orders have been rolled forward. There is a small subset that the teams are investigating and manually working through. If you have additional questions about roll forward purchase orders, please reach out to .