This is a reminder that the purchase and management of cellular services is the responsibility of the individual business units. Units should perform a full review of all cellular services provided, including hot spots, internet services, and cellular/data services for their units to ensure that these services meet the requirements as outlined in the Expenditure Policy , and have appropriate business purposes documented in each transaction and a determination of a taxable impact.
If the service does not meet the criteria outlined in the policy, the unit will need to submit a policy exception request through the B&F policy exception process . In addition, the Office of the President will need to approve any Senior Vice President requests and the Office of the Provost will need to approve any Dean requests.
Once the list of the individual receiving the service with the needed business purpose is compiled, it must be reviewed with the Payroll Tax Office to determine any taxable impact. Read the full post for more details.
Student employees must be enrolled appropriately in order to be exempted from retirement and Medicare withholding taxes. There are three steps that occur prior to the start of each payroll:
Enrollment information is confirmed with the student system Flags to indicate that retirement and Medicare should be withheld are updated for those students identified as being under enrolled The account code segment of the chartfield is updated for under enrolled students from 60131 to 60135 60155 to 60156 (Work Study)
During biweekly pay period 22 (pay end date October 10th) and pay period 23 (pay end date October 24), the third step erroneously updated the account codes for student employees even when the student had been identified as enrolled. Student pay and retirement contributions were not affected. The issue was caught and corrected prior to the processing for pay period 24 (pay end date November 7). Read the full article for the steps being taken by the Controller's Office to remedy this issue.