The April 25 edition of the Enterprise Project Digest was shared with the Ohio State community to provide updates about the project’s work. Check out the EP Digest archive to read the full April issue.
Highlights of this issue: (1) technical tasks and change management activities underway; (2) customer confirmation sessions; and (3) day in the life of Patrick Collins.
The Enterprise Project Digest is distributed monthly, and those who are interested in additional information are encouraged to subscribe.
The March 28 edition of the Enterprise Project Digest was shared with the Ohio State community to provide updates about the project’s work. Check out the EP Digest archive to read the full March issue.
Highlights of this issue: (1) Faculty voices featuring Dr. Jacquelyn Meshelemiah; (2) Big 10 Data Governance Peer Working Group; and (3) EP represented at the University Staff Advisory Committee (USAC) Benefits and Wellness Expo.
The Enterprise Project Digest is distributed monthly, and those who are interested in additional information are encouraged to subscribe.
The February 28 edition of the Enterprise Project Digest was shared with the Ohio State community to provide updates about the project’s work. Check out the EP Digest archive to read the full February issue.
Highlights of this issue: (1) Establishment of a Student Advisory Board; (2) Staff profile for Darshana Bhuta; and (3) Workday core concepts geared toward HR professionals.
The Enterprise Project Digest is distributed monthly, and those who are interested in additional information are encouraged to subscribe.
The January 31 edition of the Enterprise Project Digest was shared with the Ohio State community to provide updates about the project’s work. Check out the EP Digest archive to read the full January issue.
Highlights of this issue: (1) 2019 upcoming milestones and activities; (2) A new look for our status report; and (3) Reminders about new website content in the form of updated project timing information and a new decisions and changes page.
The Enterprise Project Digest is distributed monthly, and those who are interested in additional information are encouraged to subscribe.
The latest edition of the Enterprise Project Digest was shared with the Ohio State community to provide updates about the project’s work. Check out the EP Digest archive to read the full December issue. Highlights of this issue:
Highlights of this issue: (1) 2018 Year in Review summary of project accomplishments at year end; (2) Workday visits Ohio State; and (3) A look at the university and project contributions of our colleague John Wanzer as he retires from Ohio State after three decades of service.
The Enterprise Project Digest is distributed monthly, and those who are interested in additional information are encouraged to subscribe.
The latest edition of the Enterprise Project Digest was shared with the Ohio State community to provide updates about the project’s work. Check out the EP Digest archive to read the full November issue. Highlights of this issue:
Highlights of this issue: (1) New project tagline and definition statement along with a new look for the EP Digest; (2) Workday 101 sessions; and (3) New project decision-making model.
The Enterprise Project Digest is distributed monthly, and those who are interested in additional information are encouraged to subscribe.
The latest edition of the Enterprise Project Digest was shared with the Ohio State community to provide updates about the project’s work. Check out the EP Digest archive to read the full October issue. Highlights of this issue: (1) Ohio State demonstrated its leadership in business and technology transformation by leading several presentations during the annual Workday Rising conference; (2) A Town Hall meeting held on October 10 for the university’s Human Resources (HR) community focused on how Ohio State will transform its HR service delivery model to improve the employee experience. Provost and Executive Vice President Bruce McPheron gave opening remarks; and (3) The project team has connected with each college and unit to understand the local technology systems currently in use throughout the university. This outreach has informed the "system disposition" process. The list of known systems and disposition outcomes was updated this month.
The Enterprise Project Digest is distributed monthly, and those who are interested in additional information are encouraged to subscribe.
The latest edition of the Enterprise Project Digest was shared with the Ohio State community to provide updates about the project’s work. Check out the EP Digest archive to read the full September issue. Highlights of this issue: (1) Promoting Tableau Server , a reporting platform that supports shared data visualizations and analyses, since this spring, set for release in early October; (2) Performance Audit feedback - efforts related to Ohio State’s Enterprise Project, including streamlining human resources and financial systems and processes, were named as some of the university’s largest opportunities to reduce administrative costs in a recently released state performance audit; and (3) Change Network update.
The Enterprise Project Digest is distributed monthly, and those who are interested in additional information are encouraged to subscribe.
The latest edition of the Enterprise Project Digest was shared with the Ohio State community to provide updates about the project’s work. Check out the EP Digest archive to read the full August issue. Highlights of this issue: ((1) Recap of the Universal Scholarship Process readout session.; (2) Overview of the HR Service Delivery initiative and project scope item; and (3) Change Network meeting in advance of autumn term.
The Enterprise Project Digest is distributed monthly, and those who are interested in additional information are encouraged to subscribe.
The latest edition of the Enterprise Project Digest was shared with the Ohio State community to provide updates about the project’s work. Check out the EP Digest archive to read the full July issue. Highlights of this issue: (1) The Enterprise Project is integrating new workplans with established strategies to reflect the recent scope additions and revised charter; (2) See the latest peer institution list (including many R1 institutions) who are also in the midst of implementing Workday; and (3) Change Network fully established.