The Office of Technology and Digital Innovation (OTDI) and the Office of Secure Research (OSR) are implementing a new tool for encrypted research emails. All future encrypted emails will go through Virtru and we will be eventually retiring all R accounts. We will be communicating future dates...
As a part of fiscal year-end activities, subaward supplier contract encumbrances will be closed out for FY22 and re-opened in FY23.
An encumbrance will not roll-forward into FY23 if there is an active supplier contract amendment on a subaward. This issue was confirmed in testing. As a result, the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) is providing the following guidance for subaward supplier contract amendments:
Friday, June 17 - Last day to create new supplier contracts in FY22. Tuesday, June 28 - Last day to approve any in-flight subaward supplier contract amendments by close of business. Wednesday, June 29 - OSP will cancel any remaining in-flight subaward supplier contract amendments to allow encumbrance to roll-forward. Beginning Friday, July 1 - Resubmit any cancelled subaward supplier contract amendments. The Subaward Supplier Contract Initiator in the department can resubmit any cancelled amendments.
Please work with your Sponsored Program Officer (SPO) and Principal Investigator (PI) if you have any in-flight supplier contract subaward amendments before June 28. The goal is to avoid having these amendments cancelled before fiscal year-end.
Have you wondered how to access commonly used tasks and reports in Workday more easily? Do you have difficulty remembering an obscurely named report or all the search parameters to select when running a report? Would you like to learn how to use shortcuts and favorites to quickly navigate to the information you most often use? If you are curious about any of these features, this session on Wednesday, March 2 is for you!
Grant administrators will be sharing how they use these features to organize their work. Join us to learn some helpful tips for organizing common tasks, reports, shortcuts, and filters within Workday. The MS Teams session link is available in the full article.
Grants Administrators and Fiscal staff are encouraged to attend t he second Research Reporting Office Hours session on Tuesday, December 7 , from 11 a.m. to noon . The agenda will include a demonstration of using additional Workday reports needed for answering common questions about your grants.
A number of changes have been implemented this month based on input from the Ohio State research community about Workday. The changes include:
Emeritus Faculty can now be added as PIs on grants. Permission to view award attachments was granted to anyone with Grant Administration dashboard access. The Personnel and Non-Personnel Expenditures section in Grants Administration and Principal Investigators Summary dashboards now only includes direct costs. The F&A can be viewed in the Budget vs Actuals by Object Class section. We are aware of encumbrances issues on the Other Funding report and working on a fix. At the same time, this report will also be added to the Grants Administration dashboard to mimic PI Summary dashboard. The changes will be coming soon.
Representatives from across the university will demonstrate the use of five of the most useful Workday reports you need to answer common questions about your grants during an office hours session on Tuesday, October 26 from 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. We will also discuss the differences between the Workday Grant Administrator Dashboard, PI Portal, and the use of Tableau.
With so much material to cover, we will have limited time for questions unrelated to the content, but we want to address your concerns. Please submit your questions using this form: .
Award Co-Principal Investigator data has been added to eActivity Reporting in the Reporting and Analytics Environment. PI Portal Benefit Rates for FY22 have been updated and benefits are now reporting correctly. PI Portal balances may not be correct if purchases included capital equipment. Please use Workday report "Budget vs Actuals by Object Class" for accurate balances.
The Ohio State University has a dedicated team of Amazon Web Services (AWS) support experts available to consult with Ohio State employees interested in using AWS for research, projects/initiatives, or operational efforts. We offer consultations with the AWS team each week during established AWS...
AWS Remote Office Hours allow you to consult with an AWS technical account manager regarding application development, architecture, troubleshooting, integrating third-party software, account management and billing or any other general issues related to Ohio State AWS.