In an effort to improve travel data analytics, the Travel Office has coordinated updates with the FDM team (effective Monday, July 1) to separate expense items into distinct spend categories for enhanced reporting. Careful consideration should be made when selecting expense items or spend categories that can affect travel expense data and downstream reporting.
Cost Center Managers and Service Centers have a responsibility to ensure the appropriate spend category or expense item is used on all transactions. It is recommended to run “Spend Categories - FDM Values” for Travel spend category hierarchy to review the existing financial worktags. It is also recommended to run “View Expense Item” for Travel Expenses to review the existing expense items.
For questions, contact the Travel Office at or 614-292-9290.
The Expense Office has launched a new webpage that provides guidance and resources for processing Non-Travel Reimbursements and Miscellaneous Payments including links to processing tools and job aids, reporting options, frequently asked questions, and news updates.
Mark your calendars and join us for the new monthly Travel, PCard, and Expense Office Hours! Starting July 2024, the Travel, PCard, and Expense Office will be hosting office hours as a joint session. This is a great opportunity to stay connected to current news, updates, and ongoing processing support.
Travel, PCard, and Expense Office Hours are held on the second Tuesday of every month from 10 - 11:30 a.m. Participants will review current news and updates (system, policy, or supplier information), observe demos of Workday travel processes, and chat with the Travel, PCard, and Expense team to ask questions or get guidance for policy/system issues.
Per the Travel Policy , all cash advances must be reconciled and substantiated within 30 days of completion of the trip. If a trip is cancelled, the traveler must repay the cash advance immediately.
To appropriately reconcile a cash advance, the traveler’s receipt documentation should be processed via an expense report that is linked to the approved spend authorization in order for the expenses to post against the cash advance balance. If all receipt documentation has been submitted and there are unused funds remaining, the traveler is expected to repay the University for the outstanding balance by check. For questions on the reconciliation process, contact the Travel Office at or 614-292-9290.
If unused funds are unable to be returned or reconciled, units are advised to consult with their fiscal support staff and/or service center to determine next steps. For unique circumstances or accounting issues that do not require utilizing the recoupment process, please reach out to the Controller’s Office ( ) for further assistance. If recoupment is applicable, the unit is responsible for initiating the process. A change was made to production the week of 3/18 so that this can now be accomplished via customer invoice. Instructions can be found in the Cash Advance Process job aid located in the Administrative Resource Center (ARC).
The University Travel Office is offering Information Sessions to provide guidance and resources to assist with planning and arranging business travel.
Join the Cash Advances information session on Tuesday, April 2 (10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.). Check out the full Business and Finance Travel article for more details and links for joining the session. More Information Sessions to be announced for 2024.
For questions, contact the Travel Office at or 614-292-9290.
Spend Authorizations and Expense Reports now permit the designation of a specific position for payees who hold spl it positions. The new "Position" field will only be visible on the header of the Spend Authorization or Expense Report when the payee is a worker with spl it positions. Selection of a position will designate the default worktags on the lines, drive the business process approvals, and ensure that the correct manager receives the notification when a spend authorization is created. If the position designation is changed after lines are entered on the Spend Authorization, the default worktags for that position will only apply to new lines and no overrides to information already populated will occur. When a Spend Authorization with a position designation is linked to an Expense Report, the position designation will automatically populate and cannot be changed, ensuring position consistency across both transactions.
For questions, contact the Travel Office at or 614-292-9290.
The University Travel Office is offering Information Sessions to provide guidance and resources to assist with planning and arranging business travel.
International Travel information session, Tuesday, February 27 - (10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.) - Check out the full Business and Finance Travel article for more details and links for joining the session. Combining Business with Personal Travel information session, Tuesday, March 5 - (10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.) - following normal Travel Office Hours discussions. Check out the full Business and Finance Travel article for more details and link for joining this session.
More Information Sessions to be announced.
For questions, contact the Travel Office at or 614-292-9290.
An update has been made to the notification that is sent following approval of a Spend Authorization if a cash advance is included. Spend Authorizations that include cash advances will now receive an alternate notification with content specific to cash advance policies.