To convert equity most accurately from a Financial Statement perspective and ensure all balances tie back to the college or unit where the current state fund is owned, the decision was made to convert all revenue and expense accounts (non-General Funds Spending Authority (GFSA) and non-Office of Sponsored Programs funds) using owner org. To help translate PeopleSoft data on ledger org instead of owner org to obtain cash balances, an Income Statement and Ledger Org report have been built. The report can be found using Tableau (Tableau access and authentication is required).
Plans for the next phase to include Spend and Revenue Category will be completed by early June and a new version of the report(s) will include this information and will be shared at that time. Please direct any questions regarding the reports to .
The Reports and Report Crosswalk job aid is now available in the Administrative Resource Center (ARC). This document provides a listing of reports available in Workday and Tableau that will be of interest to college and unit fiscal staff, leaders, and managers. It also provides a crosswalk between legacy reports and Workday/Tableau reports.