This is a reminder that the purchase and management of cellular services is the responsibility of the individual business units. Units should perform a full review of all cellular services provided, including hot spots, internet services, and cellular/data services for their units to ensure that these services meet the requirements as outlined in the Expenditure Policy , and have appropriate business purposes documented in each transaction and a determination of a taxable impact.
If the service does not meet the criteria outlined in the policy, the unit will need to submit a policy exception request through the B&F policy exception process . In addition, the Office of the President will need to approve any Senior Vice President requests and the Office of the Provost will need to approve any Dean requests.
Once the list of the individual receiving the service with the needed business purpose is compiled, it must be reviewed with the Payroll Tax Office to determine any taxable impact. Read the full post for more details.
Please refer to the downloadble Unit Year-end Checklist for important year-end dates, timeline information and tasks that need to be performed. Procurement and expenses close will occur at Noon on Friday, June 28 . Similar to last year, to avoid potential accounting issues, we are asking that no transaction approvals, changes, or cancellations occur after that time until the roll forward is complete the following day. This includes Requisitions, POs, Change Orders, Supplier Invoices (for both Internal and External Suppliers), Miscellaneous Payments and Expense Reports . We highly recommend having FY24 procurement and expense transactions fully approved by the end of the day on June 27 .
Starting at noon on Friday, June 28, 2024 , the university will start a "roll-forward" process, which will run until the process is complete. System slowness may be experienced during this time and reporting may be impacted as the process runs. This process will automatically update the budget date to July 1, 2024, on all purchase orders, requisitions and supplier contracts with open obligations created before July 1, 2024. Obligations based on the remaining balance, not yet invoiced, will be moved to FY25. Invoices matched to these POs and supplier contracts following the “roll-forward” will carry a July 1, 2024 budget date. Please continue efforts to close out as many old items with remaining balances as possible to help with the roll forward process .
Beginning with FY25, Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreements which lock internal fees for a set period must be adjusted for any annual changes in rates over the life of the MOU. To be compliant with federal Uniform Guidance regulations for specialized service facilities ( 2 CFR 200.468 ) which applies to all internal service providers, federal grants must be charged the lowest rate based on the FP&A approved internal rate that is published and in effect for that fiscal year.
Earnings operations billing federal grants that have existing MOU agreements in place can honor them through the end of next fiscal year, ending June 30, 2025. MOU and Statement of Work (SOW) arrangements are still acceptable for industry sponsored research. The Grants Shared Service Center will still be executing MOUs with FDC to cover construction projects.
The Earnings Operations course is an introductory module into Earnings Operations for fiscal staff, managers, and Senior Fiscal Officers (SFOs). The module includes information on defining an Earnings Operation, the roles and responsibilities, establishing a rate and cost recovery, the monitoring requirements, and closing an Earnings Operation. Completion requires passing the assessment with an 85% or higher. This course is required for those that have fiscal responsibilities for earnings units.
Please refer to the downloadable Unit Year-end Checklist for important year end timeline information and tasks that need to be performed. Please make every effort to close out as many old items as possible to help avoid system issues for the year-end roll forward process. As a reminder, purchase orders can close only when the status is issued and there are no:
in-progress or draft receipts. in-progress or draft "Return to Supplier" documents. related supplier invoices with draft, incomplete, or in-progress status. related ASNs in draft or in-progress.
You can view the status of these items on the Business Document Lines of the purchase order. The focus should be on documents tied to old POs with remaining balances that should be closed and not rolled forward. These can be identified using the "Find Purchase Order Details - OSU" report and checking the "Purchase Orders with Remaining Obligations/Encumbrances Only" box. Please work with the appropriate parties to take action on outstanding items by Friday, May 31, 2024 and send lists of POs that are ready to be closed to your Service Center Representative to close. Please also copy the Controller’s Office ( ) for awareness.
Effective Friday, April 19 , as part of the Campus Position Control Project, Cost Center Managers will now receive costing allocations through their inboxes for New Position Management Positions and all Job Management Hires (who are not paid from Period Activity Pay). This is a change, as historically costing would route to managers to initiate.
Additionally, Cost Center Managers can initiate costing allocations as a standalone process for their own assigned cost centers with no approval required. If a Cost Center Manager initiates cost allocations for cost centers that are not their own, it will route to the appropriate Cost Center Manager to approve.
This new routing should provide enhanced efficiency for both managers and Cost Center Managers.
The Tableau report "Delegation History - OSU" has been updated with the enhancements described below.
A new "Stopped Date and Time" field has been added to the report. When the delegation is stopped for any reason before it's expected end date, the stopped date and time will now display in a new column. A new filter "For All Business Processes" has been added to the report. Additionally, the naming of two fields has been changed. "Allowed Action" has been changed to "Start on My Behalf." "Specified Business Processes" has been changed to "Approval on Behalf of Specified Business Processes." A clean-up has been done on the "Delegation Details" and "All Delegation History" to no longer display rows denoting when a worker is on leave and returns from leave. This reduces some unnecessary noise in the data.
To ensure the appropriate accounting for projects, it is important that considerations made to determine if project is Capital or not. To aid departments and units in making these determinations a detailed guidance document has been added to the B&F website.
For Capitalizable Building Improvements to qualify for capitalization, project expenditures must exceed $100,000 (excluding moveable equipment, which is capitalized separately) and represent significant alterations, renovations, or structural changes that increase the usefulness of the building, enhance its efficiency, or extend its original useful life. See the full post for more details, including what capitalized building projects entail.
To clarify the usage of the two project request sheets within the Project Intake and Capital Planning instance of Adaptive Planning, the Office of Technology and Digital Innovation (OTDI) will be completing the system enhancements described in this post, effective Thursday, February 15 . See the full post for more details about the renamed sheets.
In addition to the system enhancements mentioned in the " Adaptive Planning – Project Intake and Capital Planning " post, updates to the review process for projects managed in e-Builder that are requested on the All Other Projects sheet will also go into effect on Thursday, February 15 . There are no process changes to project requests on this sheet that do not need to go through e-Builder. See the full post for details about projects managed in e-Builder.