A new report named "Business Processes Awaiting Action - Asset Detail" has been released to aid in locating where asset events are in workflow. This report displays one row per event awaiting action and will provide basic information about the asset as well as days awaiting action and days since assignment.
With the release of this new report, the older "Transactions in Progress - Asset Registrations and Transfers" report will be retired on Friday, November 15 .
Starting in December 2024 and annually thereafter, the Expense Office will be conducting the Miscellaneous Payment Request and Non-Travel Expense Report clean-up. The clean-up process will include the cancellation of any Miscellaneous Payment Requests or Non-Travel Expense Reports that are in "Draft" or "In progress" status for more than 365 days. Cancellation of these unfulfilled tasks will improve system performance and eliminate unneeded content. See the full post for details about actions that must be completed by November 27, 2024 .
Two new supplier websites are available in Buckeye Buy.
The Kurt J. Lesker Company has joined Buckeye Buy with a supplier website catalog of vacuum products and systems. The supplier contact is Rich West at richw@lesker.com .
GenScript offers molecular biology products and services in their supplier website catalog. The supplier contact is Dorcas Lohese at dorcas.lohese@genscript.com .
The last check run for Accounts Payable will occur on Thursday, November 21, 2024 , and all approvals will need to be completed prior to 10 a.m. that day.
In observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday, there will be no check run the week of Monday, November 25 through Friday, November 29 . All approvals processed after the November 21 deadline will be included in the December 7 check run.
The Office of Business and Finance welcomes your feedback on revisions to the Deposit of Funds policy and Petty Cash Funds, Change Funds, and Cash Advance Payments policy (currently named the Cash and Cash Alternatives Payment Methods policy). These policies are open for university-wide feedback through October 27 on the University Policies website. Visit the “Policies Under Review” tab to view an overview of the policy changes and the proposed revised policies.
This is a reminder to everyone that the Auditor of State Training is due by Tuesday, October 29 . An email was sent out to all employees from the Office of Business and Finance. As a reminder, Ohio Senate Bill 91 recently amended Ohio Rev. Code 4113.52 to require all state employees, with few exceptions, to report alleged fraud, theft in office or misuse or misappropriation of public money to the state. House Bill 33 then amended Ohio Rev. Code 117.103 to require all state employees, which includes public university employees, to complete training on Ohio’s fraud-reporting system as directed by Ohio’s Auditor of State.
Beginning Thursday, October 24 , two new fields will be added at the header level of a requisition. These new fields are "Freight" and "Other Charges." This change will allow end users to account for any freight or additional handling charges noted on a quote without adding a line item to the requisition. Amounts entered in these fields will carry over to the corresponding purchase order to allow for invoice matching. Please note, the freight and other charges amounts will add to the purchase order encumbrance and will liquidate once invoiced.
Several reports will have two new columns added to the output of the report, one for "Freight" and one for "Other Charges." These changes are related to the ability to add these amounts to the header of a requisition. The reports updated are listed in the full post.
Two supplier invoice matching rules will be updated on Thursday, October 24 . The changes detailed in the full post will be made for the University only.
A new column has been added to the "Find Journal Lines - OSU - Posted Journals by Amount Type" report to display the Stock Request Number for journal lines with an Inventory Shipment journal source. This is to allow end users to trace a shipment back to the original requisition submitted for the order.