The Affordable Learning Exchange (ALX) has been awarding grants for the past seven years to instructors who want to transform their courses. Grant winners were primarily focused on reducing the cost of their course materials for students. “While these goals remain at the core of the ALX mission, the murder of George Floyd in 2020 prompted us to [...] expand our scope to encompass broader social justice topics," said Ashley Miller. Several instructors at Ohio State share Miller's passion and have taken the opportunity ALX provides to infuse their courses with racial justice.
Working alongside her lab manager and undergraduate students, Dr. Elizabeth Kirby is in the process of compiling an Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience textbook. The previous textbook for this course was expensive, and Dr. Kirby’s media has already been able to save students more than $20,000.
College tuition alone is expensive enough for students, in addition to other incidental costs like textbooks and supplemental materials. All the extras can be barriers to entry for budget-conscious students who want to take courses that will expand their...
Based on feedback from users in the grants/research community, the “Other Funding” report within the Principal Investigator and Grants Administration dashboards now includes a new column for “Revenue.” The "Transfers In and Out" information is still in a separate column. This ensures a full view of balances is contained within this report.
The Affordable Learning Exchange (ALX) has awarded grants to 21 instructors for 2022. This new cohort is planning to use those funds to support affordability and racial justice projects for courses at Columbus, Lima and Newark campuses. These projects cover a wide range of disciplines—from math to music, art and design to architecture, sociology to psychology. The hard work of these instructors over the next year will result in over $80,000 in direct savings to students!
The timeout issue with the Faculty Financials/Other Funding Reports within the Grants Administration and Principal Investigator (PI) Dashboards has been resolved.
Join us on Thursday, December 9 from 10-10:45 a.m. to learn how Principal Investigators can better manage their grants in Workday. We’ll walk through how to use a helpful summary of reports to harness Workday’s real-time data. Registration is not required. Use MS Teams to join the session. Please use the survey link to submit your questions in advance .
Budget vs. Actuals by Object Class timeout issue resolution Subaward and supplier contract improvements Award close-out progress Changes to security roles for Principal Investigators
"Encumbrance" and "Beginning Balance" issues in the "Faculty Financials" section of the Principal Investigator dashboard have been fixed. Additional worktags were added to that report including Cost Center, Fund, Grant, and Assignee. At the same time, the "Other Funding Report" has been added to a new tab on the Grants Administration dashboard to mimic the "Faculty Financials" tab on the Principal Investigator dashboard.
A number of changes have been implemented this month based on input from the Ohio State research community about Workday. The changes include:
Emeritus Faculty can now be added as PIs on grants. Permission to view award attachments was granted to anyone with Grant Administration dashboard access. The Personnel and Non-Personnel Expenditures section in Grants Administration and Principal Investigators Summary dashboards now only includes direct costs. The F&A can be viewed in the Budget vs Actuals by Object Class section. We are aware of encumbrances issues on the Other Funding report and working on a fix. At the same time, this report will also be added to the Grants Administration dashboard to mimic PI Summary dashboard. The changes will be coming soon.